Monday, March 17, 2008

Does St. Patricks Day Equal Date Rape?

Not to bash everybody's favorite bar holiday but, St Parick's Day just seems like an excuse for guys to get drunk and behave badly. Not that I have anything against bars, or getting drunk, or even acting a little crazy. But I've just noticed that when a bunch of drunk guys get together it's usually to:
A. Act stupid
B. Do stupid things to everyone around them as if it's funny
C. Including take out their secret insecurities on the weaker sex

It's not as if sleeping with a drunk guy is fun anyway. He'll definitely smell horrible. He might wet the bed. If he can even get it up when he's loaded (unlikely), he won't remember anything.

Better to mock the drunken than to screw them.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Dear Elliot Spitzer - Prostitution Should Be Legal

$31,000 a day. THIRTY-ONE-THOUSAND-DOLLARS-A-DAY!!! I have never in my legal, professional life made more than that in a month. I've made less than that in some years. Digging deeper into Eliot Spitzer's "private" shame is a revelation of how women are discriminated against, financially, by our own legal system.

Why is it that when men use their bodies for money it's called "athletics" but when when women use their bodies to make money it's labeled a sin and it's deemed illegal? I'm not trying to make a moral call here, I'm just pointing out a glaring inequality.

For my first Mocking Men post I thought I'd infuriate my female friends and point out how the system is just set up to keep us down, in every way, especially financially. It's bad enough that we already make less money then men, who do less work, and have less at stake in life than we do.

Personally any sane woman would have to charge money to even tolerate being intimate with that ugly troll of a man Eliot Spitzer. I hope his wife dumps his ass and takes all that hard money he's earned over the years. She is, after all, LEGALLY entitled to do so.